class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # PADP 7120 Data Applications in PA ] .subtitle[ ## Causation ] .author[ ### Alex Combs ] .institute[ ### UGA | SPIA | PADP ] .date[ ### Last updated: March 11, 2024 ] --- # Outline - Overview of research design - Counterfactual - Internal validity - External validity - Experimental, quasi-experimental, non-experimental - Criteria to claim that `\(x\)` *causes* a change in `\(y\)` - Systematic process to identify omitted variable bias (endogeneity) and what can be done about it --- # Potential outcomes - A causal effect is a comparison of two potential outcomes - The outcome that we observe in the presence of the event - **Counterfactual:** The outcome we would have observed had the event not happened --- # Potential outcomes - Half of the data we need to observe causation is missing - We observe the outcome for those who received some treatment - We observe the outcome for those who did not receive the treatment - Cannot observe the outcome for the treated as if they had NOT been treated - Cannot observe the outcome for the untreated as if they HAD been treated --- # The challenge of counterfactual - All we can do is compare outcomes between observed groups (treated and untreated). This can take several forms. -- - **Randomize** treatment so nothing else differs between treated and untreated groups -- - **Quasi-experimental** methods that use a feature of the treatment that allows us to claim it is as good as randomized -- - **Non-experimental:** Controlling for all the necessary variables to claim there is no relevant difference between treated and untreated (least credible) --- # Credible Analysis <img src="lectures_files/credible.png" width="1304" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Internal validity **Internal validity:** the credibility of the theoretical assumptions applied and the causal connection established between the cause (policy, program, treatment) and an effect - Does a change in `\(x\)` cause a change in `\(y\)`? - Is the estimate biased? Is our estimate systematically higher or lower than the truth? --- # Internal validity - A criminal justice nonprofit explores potential factors that affect the likelihood of recidivism `$$ReOffense = \beta_0 + \beta_1Age + \beta_2Sex + \epsilon$$` |Variable | Estimates| |:---------|---------:| |Intercept | 1.370| |Age | -0.036| |Sex | 0.250| - Internal validity concerns whether there is a credible theory why these factors would have an impact and if estimates are accurate or biased. If biased, to what extent does it limit our ability to make useful conclusions? --- # Criteria for causation 1. Correlation between `\(x\)` and `\(y\)` -- as `\(x\)` changes, `\(y\)` must also tend to change 2. Temporal precedence -- `\(x\)` must occur before `\(y\)` 3. No plausible rival or alternative explanations -- no other variable `\(z\)` can influence the change in `\(y\)` we attribute to `\(x\)` --- # Correlation between X and Y - If you run a hypothesis test and the estimate is statistically significant (we haven't covered this yet), you have established credible non-random correlation - But many things correlate that share no causal relationship --- # Temporal Precedence - Cause must occur before its effect - Easiest to claim for discrete events with a clear pre and post - Marijuana legalization on health outcomes - Child tax credit expansion on child poverty -- - Without a clear pre and post period, harder to eliminate **reverse causality** - Crime rates and police funding - GDP and life expectancy --- # No plausible alternative explanation - No other variable `\(z\)` can influence the change in `\(y\)` we attribute to `\(x\)` -- - Employment rate among those who participated in a job training program is 75% compared to 40% among those who did not participate. -- - Conclusion: Job training programs increase the likelihood of employment by 35 percentage points. - Plausible alternatives? --- class: inverse, center, middle # Directed Acyclical Graphs (DAGS) --- # DAGS - Visual representation of causal pathways - Forces us to consider our assumptions - Allows us to evaluate our model and our ability to claim causation, especially using a **non-experimental** approach --- # Regression and DAGS - Behind every regression is a DAG `$$Happiness=\beta_0+\beta_1Age+\beta_2Income+\epsilon$$` <img src="lectures_files/dag15.png" width="843" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Backdoor path <img src="lectures_files/dag3.png" width="552" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> - `\(Z\)` is a **confounder** - Leads to **omitted variable bias** (OVB) --- # Close the backdoor - Our goal is to close all backdoor paths between `\(X\)` and `\(Y\)` - Three ways to close a backdoor path -- 1. Control for the **confounder** in our regression --- # Close the backdoor <img src="lectures_files/dag4.png" width="700" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .pull-left[ `$$Y=\beta_0+\beta_1X+\epsilon$$` - Backdoor open - OVB ] .pull-right[ `$$Y=\beta_0+\beta_1X+\beta_2Z+\epsilon$$` - Backdoor closed - No OVB ] --- # Close the backdoor - Three ways to close a backdoor path 1. Control for the **confounder** -- 2. Control for any variable along the backdoor path --- # Close the backdoor <img src="lectures_files/dag4.2.png" width="447" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .center[ `$$X \rightarrow Y$$` `$$X \leftarrow Z \rightarrow K \rightarrow Y$$` ] .pull-left[ `$$Y=\beta_0+\beta_1X+\epsilon$$` - Backdoor open; OVB ] .pull-right[ `$$Y=\beta_0+\beta_1X+\beta_2K+\epsilon$$` - Backdoor closed/blocked; no OVB ] --- # Close the backdoor - Three ways to close a backdoor path 1. Control for the **confounder** 2. Control for any variable along the backdoor path -- 3. Identify a **collider** variable that closes the backdoor path --- # Collider variable <img src="lectures_files/dag6.png" width="533" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> - `\(Z\)` is a **collider** in this case - Colliders close backdoors --- # Close the backdoor <img src="lectures_files/dag5.png" width="351" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .center[ `\(X \rightarrow Y\)` `\(X \leftarrow Z \rightarrow K \leftarrow Y\)` ] .pull-left[ `$$Y=\beta_0+\beta_1X+\epsilon$$` `$$Y=\beta_0+\beta_1X+\beta_2Z+\epsilon$$` `$$Y=\beta_0+\beta_1X+\beta_2Z+\beta_3K+\epsilon$$` - All are fine; backdoor closed ] .pull-right[ `$$Y=\beta_0+\beta_1X+\beta_2K+\epsilon$$` - Backdoor now open; OVB - Also known as **bad control** ] --- # The error term and OVB <img src="lectures_files/dag8.png" width="796" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .center[ `$$Y=\beta_0+\beta_1X+\epsilon$$` ] - If true model was left DAG, our estimate `\(b_1\)` is *not* solely due to `\(X\)`, but rather unobserved factors contained in `\(\epsilon\)` - Referred to as **endogeneity** or "X is endogenous" --- # Error term and OVB .center[ `$$Happiness=\beta_0+\beta_1Age+\beta_2Income+\epsilon$$`] .pull-left[ <img src="lectures_files/dag15.png" width="843" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ - What variables might the error term contain? - Do any of our omitted variables also affect age or income? ] --- class: inverse, center, middle # Using DAGS --- # Using DAGS 1. Begin with the direct path between `\(X\)` and `\(Y\)` based on your research question 2. Identify other factors that affect `\(X\)` and/or `\(Y\)`, adding them to the DAG accordingly 3. List all paths starting from `\(X\)` to `\(Y\)` 4. Identify any backdoor paths and determine how to close them --- # Using DAGS - Suppose we want to know if college, `\(C\)`, increases earnings, `\(Y\)`? - `\(C \rightarrow Y\)` `$$Y=\beta_0+\beta_1C+\epsilon$$` -- - Now we should identify any other factors that affect earnings and/or going to college - Suppose we identify three factors: - Parent's education `\(PE\)` - Family income `\(I\)` - Natural aptitude of parents/child `\(A\)` --- # Using DAGS - Now we think of the relationships between all of our factors and draw the corresponding DAG - Suppose we settle on the following DAG <img src="lectures_files/dag10.png" width="473" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> - Next step is to list all paths we can trace between `\(C\)` and `\(Y\)`, drawing the arrows according to their direction in our diagram --- # Using DAGS <img src="lectures_files/dag10.png" width="394" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> 1. `\(C \rightarrow Y\)` (the causal effect of college on earnings) -- 2. `\(C \leftarrow I \rightarrow Y\)` (backdoor 1) -- 3. `\(C \leftarrow PE \rightarrow I \rightarrow Y\)` (backdoor 2) -- 4. `\(C \leftarrow A \rightarrow PE \rightarrow I \rightarrow Y\)` (backdoor3) -- - Any colliders? No. We have three open backdoor paths. Systematic non-causal correlations between `\(C\)` and `\(Y\)` --- # Using DAGS 1. `\(C \rightarrow Y\)` (the causal effect of college on earnings) 2. `\(C \leftarrow I \rightarrow Y\)` (backdoor 1) 3. `\(C \leftarrow PE \rightarrow I \rightarrow Y\)` (backdoor 2) 4. `\(C \leftarrow A \rightarrow PE \rightarrow I \rightarrow Y\)` (backdoor3) - Next step is to identify the minimum set of control variables needed to close all backdoors. -- - Controlling for family income `\(I\)` closes all three backdoors .center[ `$$Y=\beta_0+\beta_1C+\beta_2I+\epsilon$$` ] - If we believe this DAG, then we now have the causal effect of college on earnings. --- # Assumptions & alternatives <img src="lectures_files/dag10.png" width="394" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> - Two key assumptions this DAG makes -- 1. Other than natural aptitude `\(A\)`, no other *unobserved* factors affect `\(C\)` -- 2. Natural aptitude does not directly affect earnings `\(Y\)` --- # Assumptions & alternatives <img src="lectures_files/dag11.png" width="389" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- .pull-left[ 1. `\(C \rightarrow Y\)` 2. `\(C \leftarrow I \rightarrow Y\)` 3. `\(C \leftarrow PE \rightarrow I \rightarrow Y\)` 4. `\(C \leftarrow A \rightarrow PE \rightarrow I \rightarrow Y\)` 5. `\(C \leftarrow A \rightarrow Y\)` 6. `\(C \leftarrow PE \leftarrow A \rightarrow Y\)` 7. `\(C \leftarrow I \leftarrow PE \leftarrow A \rightarrow Y\)` ] .pull-right[ - Controlling for `\(I\)` closes 2, 3, 4, & 7 - Controlling for `\(PE\)` closes 6 - Currently no way to close 5; omitted variable bias ] --- # Direction of OVB - Suppose you or someone else has identified an omitted variable that causes bias. - All is not necessarily lost. Results may still be useful. <img src="lectures_files/dag_ovbdirect.png" width="292" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> - If influence of `\(Z\)` is in same direction: bias is positive - If influence of `\(Z\)` is in opposite directions: bias is negative - Key question: Is the bias pushing my result toward 0 or away from 0? --- # Recap - Is my claim about the relationship between a cause and effect credible? Can I claim there is no OVB? -- - If so, internally valid. Now we can consider **external validity**. --- # External validity - **External validity (generalizability):** can results be applied beyond the subjects or context included in the analysis? -- - Are those in my sample representative of the population? Did the program select or recipients self-select in unrepresentative ways? - Are there reasons to suspect location or time matter and results may not apply elsewhere or at later times? -- - If you cannot claim sample represents population, possible you can claim sample represents a subset of the population that is larger than the sample. - Example: Effect of job training on participants instead of any unemployed person. Known as **treatment on the treated**. --- # Causal inference models <img src="lectures_files/dag14.png" width="468" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> - Random assignment breaks any OVB from the error term - Random assignment is often difficult to achieve in social sciences - There are quasi-experimental regression techniques that arguably achieve the same break from the error term as if random - Difference-in-differences, regression discontinuity, instrumental variables, synthetic control, propensity score matching --- class: inverse, center, middle # Supplemtary Slides: Collider Bias Revisited --- # Collider bias - Collider bias can occur in two ways: - Controlling for a collider in our regression that opens a backdoor path - Using a sample where observations are selected based on a collider variable --- # Seeing collider bias | Treatment| Outcome| Collider| |---------:|-------:|--------:| | 0| 99| 993| | 0| 101| 1007| | 1| 149| 1542| | 0| 99| 996| - Sample includes 2,500 observations --- # Seeing Collider Bias `$$Outcome=\beta_0 + \beta_1Treatment + \epsilon$$` `$$Outcome=\beta_0 + \beta_1Treatment + \beta_2Collider + \epsilon$$` - These data are made up in a way that the effect of Treatment, `\(\beta_1\)`, should equal 50. - The collider does not affect the outcome or the treatment. The outcome and treatment affects the collider. `$$Treatment \rightarrow Collider \leftarrow Outcome$$` --- # Seeing collider bias ```r valid <- lm(Outcome ~ Treatment, data = collider_bias) biased <- lm(Outcome ~ Treatment + Collider, data = collider_bias) ``` .pull-left[ |term | estimate| |:---------|--------:| |intercept | 100.01| |Treatment | 49.93| ] .pull-right[ |term | estimate| |:---------|--------:| |intercept | 0.99| |Treatment | -4.45| |Collider | 0.10| ] - Coefficient for `\(X\)` should be 50. - Because `\(Treatment \rightarrow Collider \leftarrow Outcome\)`, controlling for Collider introduces bias --- # Collider bias: bad sample - Suppose a nonprofit that works with at-risk youth wants to understand the effect of school absences on grades. It only has access to data on its own clients. - Suppose at-risk youth are identified by socioeconomic status, GPA, and absences <img src="lectures_files/dag13.png" width="385" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Collider bias (2) bad sample `$$GPA = \beta_0 + \beta_1TotAbsences + \beta_2 SES + \epsilon$$` <img src="lectures_files/dag13.png" width="385" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .pull-left[ 1. `\(TA \rightarrow GPA\)` 2. `\(TA \leftarrow SES \rightarrow GPA\)` 3. `\(TA \rightarrow AtRisk \leftarrow GPA\)` 4. `\(TA \leftarrow SES \rightarrow AtRisk \leftarrow GPA\)` ] .pull-right[ - Will our estimate `\(b_1\)` be unbiased? - No. Because our sample is selected from `\(AtRisk\)`; same as controlling for it. - Selection bias ] --- # Seeing selection bias `\(Absent \rightarrow AtRisk \leftarrow GPA\)` - Suppose our sample only includes those at-risk - But we want to estimate the effect of absences on GPA --- # Seeing selection bias .pull-left[ <!-- --> ] .pull-right[ |term | estimate| |:---------|--------:| |intercept | 3.223| |absent | -0.190| ] --- # Seeing selection bias .pull-left[ <!-- --> ] .pull-right[ |term | estimate| |:---------|--------:| |intercept | 3.105| |absent | -0.061| ] --- # Seeing selection bias .pull-left[ <!-- --> ] .pull-right[ |term | estimate| |:---------|--------:| |intercept | 2.536| |absent | -0.004| ] --- # Seeing Selection Bias <img src="Causality_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-36-1.png" height="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" />